
We will advertise any open vacancies below and on ‘Indeed’, however we are always on the lookout for the right people to join our team, whether that is as an Adviser or in our Client Relationship Team.

To that end, if you would like to get in touch with us to discuss your CV and your ideas, please do!

Vacancy - Experienced Adviser

Here at J Finance, we advise on Mortgages, Insurance and Equity Release, and would welcome a conversation with an experienced adviser, competent in one or more of our advice areas, who is looking for a home at a firm that is Directly Authorised, provides administrative support from day one of the client journey, and will allow you to build your business under our brand.

Vacancy - Finance Assistant

Please head to Indeed to read about this vacancy, and apply. Click here.

Who do we work with?

  • Financial Advisers

    You may be qualified and able to arrange mortgages, but do you need the hassle of processing them?

    You may not wish to deal with insurance underwriting issues or provider declines/loadings.

    Equity Release may be a solution for Inheritance Tax planning or tax planning in general, but you may not know where to start with the lending side of things.

    These are all areas in which we regularly assist Financial Advisers and their clients. We arrange mortgages for all clients including High Net Worth, we insure all types of risky occupations and hobbies and are experts in later life lending.

  • Accountants

    Have your clients struggled to obtain a mortgage or been told to increase drawings and come back next year, when this may not be the case?

    Would your self-employed clients be able to earn or cope if they were ill or injured?

    Have you seen companies grow but their staff remain unprotected?

    We love working with accountants, to help their clients, whether that be obtaining a mortgage when they’d been told “no” or protecting themselves and their businesses.

  • Estate Agents

    We understand that a client obtaining a mortgage is key to the sale or purchase going through, therefore we are here as independent advisers to assist your sellers or prospective buyers.

    We know speed is key, and we will contact your referrals typically the same working day.

    We will never give a client the go ahead without obtaining all the necessary information & documentation required to proceed, that just disappoints everyone when later down the line, a case falls apart due to lack of preparation.

    It’s not just mortgages with us, we help ensure clients are appropriately insured & also have expertise in later life lending, bridging finance and more.

  • Lawyers

    We work with all types of law professionals…

    We prepare Mortgage Capacity Reports for a number of Family Law firms, acting as a sole or joint expert.

    We have previously assisted Conveyancers where a case has hit a bump in the road late on in the process, or been involved from the start which is clearly preferable!

    Lastly, our later life solutions can be particularly useful to those looking at estate planning.